
9 Tips for choosing a wedding venue

9 Tips for choosing a wedding venue

9 tips for choosing a wedding venue

This is a similar guide to how I and Anthony choose our wedding venue. We went with a pretty basic list of things to think of.

1.) Choose a venue that will align with what you imangine in your mind. That being said also be open to changing your vision a little bit.

2.) Know your guest list. Know about how many people you want their. Our venue can hold 120 people max. We decided for comfort to keep it between 100-110.

3.) Know your budget. You don’t go into debt to have a really expensive place. Anthony and I paid under $1000 for our venue. Sometimes it is good to go outside of your wedding city to find a venue. We went to a small town outside of where we live and got a great venue.

4.) Use an app like the knot. I am using the knot. The good thing about the knot is that it has vendors, bridal shops and everything on the app. The downside is that you have to do the leg work if you want to keep within your budget.

5.) Know the date you want and a back up date in case your date isn’t available.

6.) Call venues to check availablity. This will help eliminate those that are booked.

7.) Know your colors. This is to ensure that the walls wont clash with other aspects of your wedding.

8.) Call/email to set up a time to tour the venue.

9.) Pay attention to the details of the place.

Thank you for reading 9 tips for choosing a wedding venue.

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