Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)
So today I am doing a review on the Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl. By the way this is will definitely have spoilers. So I recommend just commenting and asking if this is a good movie because it is! I will definitely do another review on the sequel to this one!
The critic think the movie sucks but in reality the user reviews are much much higher.
The critics think is alright but in reality, I think rotten tomatoes is wrong.
This is the most accurate review in my opinion.
The actually review:
I think the movie is extremely funny. As well as action-packed with a very talented cast which features Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly. The Pirates of the Caribbean is a very successful movie and has had sequels to its sequels. Which brings me to the nest point the next Pirate of the Caribbean movies comes out in 2017!!
The movies starts out showing Governor weatherby swann, Elizabeth swann and James Norrington who recover the young Will Turner.
Eight years later, Norrington is now commadore and proposes to Elizabeth. She ends up fainting and her necklace, which she took for the young Will, cast a summoning spell. Sparrow saves Swann. Norrington recognizes Sparrow and a chase happens. Sparrow runs into Turner, who is a blacksmith. Sparrow and Turner dual and Sparrow is then knocked unconscious.
Later that night, the Black Pearl attacks Port Royal in search of the medallion. Elizabeth says her last name is turner to hid but Barbosa takes Elizabeth anyways. Barbosa talks about returning all 883 pieces of cursed gold. Swann’s necklaces is the 883rd piece.
Turner frees Sparrow to save Swann. Turner and Sparrow wittness Swann’s blood sacrifice as nothing happens because she is not the owner of the medallion. Further more Jack fights as Turner saves Swann. Some fighting in sues and Barbosa dies from a gunshot wound. Turner, Swann and Sparrow escape the island.
Jack is to be killed but Elizabeth distracts Norrington for Turner to save Sparrow. Also Turner and Sparrow are surrounded and Elizabeth confesses her love for Turner. Jack escapes to the Black Pearl. Than Turner has Swann’s father blessing to marry Elizabeth.